Was Jessica Haire Caught Lying About Ties To Consulting Firm Connected To Proud Boys?
Is Jessica Haire lying about her relationship with a Republican consulting firm with direct ties to the Proud Boys? The Anne Arundel County councilwoman says…
Is Jessica Haire lying about her relationship with a Republican consulting firm with direct ties to the Proud Boys? The Anne Arundel County councilwoman says…
The Washington Post Editorial Board took a page from its 2018 playbook by endorsing David Blair for Montgomery County executive. “Mr. Blair is upbeat, even-tempered…
Does Sheriff Jenkins have a hard time managing the sheriff’s department? Some Frederick County deputies seem to think so. Retired Frederick County Sheriff’s Deputy First…
The 2022 Maryland governor race is in full swing. The Republican and Democratic gubernatorial primaries are fluid. Now is the time when Marylanders are searching…
A Maryland shooting on June 9, 2022, at a small Smithsburg manufacturing plant left three dead. Joe Louis Esquivel, 23, of Hedgesville, W.Va., was indicted…
Jessica Haire is a Republican running for Anne Arundel County executive. Check out the latest news on Jessica Haire. In 2021, Jessica Haire hired Republican…
Are you following the 2022 Democratic candidates for Maryland governor? Jill Kamenetz, the widow of the late Baltimore County Executive Kevin Kamenetz, is closely following…
Jessica Haire was defeated by incumbent County Executive Steuart Pittman in the 2022 Anne Arundel County Executive general election. Review the Anne Arundel County Election…
In 2018, Diana Fennell and Darryl Barnes called themselves “Delegate Doctors.” The two Maryland lawmakers led their constituents to believe they earned legitimate PhDs. Diana…
Do Maryland Republicans have a “Plan B” if QAnon Republican Dan Cox wins the July 19 Republican gubernatorial primary? The gubernatorial race ends on July…