Madaleno gets boost from former MoCo Schools superintendent

Former Montgomery County Public Schools Superintendent Joshua P. Starr gave state Sen. Rich Madaleno’s gubernatorial campaign a ringing endorsement this morning by way of Facebook.

Starr resigned as superintendent of Montgomery County Public Schools in February 2015 amid reports that he did not have the support of the Board of Education to earn another four-year contract.

Starr is a registered Democrat who currently resides in Bethesda.

When reached for comment on Starr’s endorsement, Madaleno told A Miner Detail,

I am very happy to receive the endorsement of education leader Joshua Starr.  Like me, Josh understands the importance of investing in and enhancing our education system to meet the challenges of the 21st century.  A Madaleno Administration will bring new and innovative solutions that prioritize learning over testing; that teaches skills for the future versus those from the past; that recognizes and meets the needs of an economically and socially diverse student population; and empowers educators not only with the knowledge necessary to deliver on these solutions, but also the professional respect and dignity more commonly reserved for engineers and doctors.

The former schools chief began his tenure with Montgomery County Public Schools on July 1, 2011. Shortly after his departure from MCPS, Starr was hired as the chief executive officer of Phi Delta Kappa International, a professional association for educators based in Arlington, Va.

Madaleno is running in a highly contested Democratic primary that includes Prince George’s County Executive Rushern Baker, Baltimore County Executive Kevin Kamenetz, former NAACP chief Ben Jealous, Baltimore super lawyer Jim Shea, former Michelle Obama policy director Krishanti Vignarajah, former Obama official and tech entrepreneur Alec Ross and policy consultant Dr. Maya Rockeymoore-Cummings.