Who’s applying for the vacant Hagerstown City Council seat?

Since Donald F. Munson resigned his City of Hagerstown Council seat nearly two weeks ago, a few names have been mentioned as Munson’s possible replacement.

The deadline to apply for the vacancy is Monday, Nov. 27 by 4:30 p.m. Applications must be submitted to the office of the City Clerk or emailed to dspickler@hagerstownmd.org. 

Interested City residents are required to fill out an application form, listing their basic information, as well as listing related experience, background information, and why they should be considered for the vacancy.

The Mayor and City Council will review applications on Nov. 28 and will select certain individuals for interviews.

Any applicants selected will be given the opportunity to interview during a Council work session on December 5. The new Council member will be appointed on either December 12 or the 19th.

The following individuals have submitted an application, are planning to submit an application OR have been mentioned as possible applicants:

  • Chad Smith,
  • Shelley Thomas McIntire
  • Dr. Tara Sargent
  • Penny Nigh
  • Heather Guessford
  • Colin Ploscaru
  • Carlos Reyes
  • Aaron Smith
  • Steven Hemstreet, Jr.
  • Rachel Cooper

On Monday, Nov. 20, Chad Smith went on the record with A Miner Detail Radio host Ryan Miner, discussing why he is applying and his vision for the City of Hagerstown.

If you know of any other City residents who are applying for the vacant Council seat, please email Ryan@AMinerDetail.com.