By Ryan Miner
The Maryland Republican Party will hold its annual spring convention this weekend, May 13 and 14, at the DoubleTree Hilton in Annapolis.
The Executive Committee meeting will be held on Friday evening along with the various hospitality suites; the usual amoral Republican debauchery begins precisely at 8:00 p.m. I look forward to being kicked out of – and I’m roughly guessing – at least two hospitality suites for being both a libertarian and decidedly #NeverTrump. (I am only kidding about being thrown out of a Republican hospitality suite, or am I?)
The general session and planned workshops will be held on Saturday throughout the day. Following the conclusion of the general session, the Party will be hosting a reception with Delegate Kathy Szeliga, our Republican U.S. Senate candidate. The Party will also be giving out its annual awards to the men, women, and county to honor their outstanding achievement and work for the Maryland Republican Party.
The process of selecting at-large delegates completely eluded me until Don Murphy, Maryland’s godfather and go-to expert on all things Republican, reminded me that he’s running for an at-large delegate position to the national convention. During one of the general sessions (I assume the afternoon session), members of the Republican central committees will elect eleven at-large delegates and eleven alternate at-large delegates.
The list of at-large and alternate at-large delegates can be seen below:
At-large candidates:
Adams, Chris
Adams, Matt
Albert, David
Allison, Cathey
Alzona, Gus
Bogley Knickman, Laura
Boone, Kory
Bossie, David
Brewington, Julie
Burke- Russell, Mary
Campbell, Antonio
Campbell, William
Cluster, John
Cooper, Brandon
Craig, Eugene
Decker, Gregory
Della, Gloria
Ehrlich, Kendel
Fenati, Patricia
Fiastro Jr., John
Frazier, Donald
Gardner, Tom
Grammer, Robin
Grodecki, Ray
Guy, Gary
Haire, Dirk
Harris, Andy
Harris, Melanie
Havis, Lee
Helminiack, Larry
Hershey, Steve
Jennings, J.B.
Loudon, Faith
Marston, Rori
Mautz, John
McConkey, Tony
McIver, Mark
McKay, Michael
Murphy, Don
Myers, Dave
Norman. Wayne
O’Donnell, Anthony
Patel, Dwight
Pycha, Maria
Reeder, James
Rey, Deb
Richbourg, William
Ristaino, Tony
Roger, Jane
Rosenthal, R. Chris
Salling, Johnny Ray
Sanchez, Richard
Schuh, Steve
Shank, Mitch
Shields, Loretta
Smero, Kathleen
Smigiel, Michael D.
Volke, Nathan
Wafer, John
Waugh, Steve
Wivell, William
Who should you consider? I’m not part of the election process, but I would consider voting for the following names:
David Bossie, Julie Brewington, Mark Burke-Russell, William Campbell, John Cluster, Brandon Cooper, Eugene Craig, John Fiastro, Robin Grammer, Ray Grodecki, Steve Hershey, J.B. Jennings, Faith Loudon, John Mautz, Tony McConkey, Mike McKay, DON MURPHY, Wayne Norman, Maria Pycha, Deb Rey, Johnny Ray Salling, Steve Schuh, Loretta Shields, Kathleen Smero, Michael D. Smigiel and Nathan Volke.
Yes – I listed more than eleven names above, but these are the people who I would personally feel comfortable selecting if I had the choice.
Now, the alternate at-large delegates:
Alzona, Marcus
Anayanwu, Chike
Boteler, Joe
Charles, Robert
Cioppa, Kevin
Coldren, Dale
Crawford, Cynthia
Dobbs, David
Fenati, Samuel
Fisher, Deena
Fleischmann, Fred
Gillin, Joe
Goodnick, Paul
Grasso, John
Harris, William
Higgs, Michael
Houser, Cynthia
Johnston, David
Kazcmarek, Larry
Kingston, Tim
Lathrop, Daniel
Letourneam, Fulton Jude
Martinez Jr., Alirio
Minnick, John
Mirabile, Frank
Murphy, Gloria
O’Keefe, Patrick
O’Keeffe, Mary
Polansky, Mark
Puig, Luis
Reilly, Jim
Shelton, Duane
Showe, Steven
Smith, C. Paul
Sukol, Todd J.
Trotta, Christina
Weirich, Nathan
Who should you vote for? Again, if I were voting (I am not), I would select the following names:
Marcus, Alzona, Joe Botetler, Joe Gillin, William Harris, Michael Higgs, Alirio Martinez Jr., GLORIA MURPHY, Patrick O’Keefe and Christina Trotta.
Of the names listed above, I strongly urge Republicans NOT to vote for Kory Boone, Steve Showe, and the racist, sexist and gay-hating Frank Mirabile. I emphatically urge Republicans to vote against these Republicans by selecting other names instead – much better names to represent our Party at the national convention.
I fully hope and expect David Bossie to be elected as Maryland’s next Republican National Committeeman. I also look forward to Nicolee Ambrose being reelected as Maryland’s Republican National Committeewoman.
See you this weekend at the convention.