By Ryan Miner
Maryland’s 6th Congressional District is a gerrymandered D+5 (or more) district. Democrats intentionally made it tough for Republicans to win in CD-6. After a political temper tantrum of sorts and, likely, a few drinks with the Beer Brothers, Annapolis Democrats failed a kindergarten drawing contest, deciding in part to resurrect the ghost of (God rest his hallowed soul) Elbridge Gerry in a celebration that sliced and diced the 6th Congressional District into one of the worst politically gerrymandered districts in the country.
You know the story. John Delaney, a Democrat, ousted the longtime Republican, Roscoe Bartlett, in the 2012 general election. Dan Bongino came within 3000 votes of beating Mr. Delaney in 2014. Now, Amie Hoeber, the newly-minted Republican nominee in the 6th Congressional District, is taking Delaney to task – albeit slower than I had hoped – in the upcoming November general election.
The numbers, especially in a presidential election year, work against Amie Hoeber. John Delaney will prove, for the third cycle, he is a formidable opponent. Despite the overwhelming Republican voting blocs in Garrett, Allegany, Washington and Frederick Counties, the Democratic voter turnout in Montgomery County during a presidential election year will be massive, and it may well be enough to sustain John Delaney’s tenure in Congress.
Hoeber, can, however, win against the well-financed Delaney. There will be several subsequent articles detailing Hoeber’s path to victory in the 6th Congressional District; we have plenty of time to mathematically explore her pathways to a victory in the coming weeks. A Miner Detail has analyzed the primary data and will be releasing a series of articles explaining what the numbers mean.
But Hoeber and her team need to draw a clear line of political demarcation between herself and John Delaney, and they need not waste any time doing it.
I am in the camp that believes Hoeber must get tough on Delaney today, tomorrow and every day leading up to November 8. There cannot be a reluctance to take on Delaney – even this early. In my opinion, there is no time to be wasted. John’s Delaney’s horrendous congressional record should be put on blast as much as possible, and Hoeber and her team should be gunning for as much free press as possible to ensure their message is heard.
Amie Hoeber should turn her campaign into a national rallying cry. Hoeber’s campaign represents another David versus Goliath match off. Americans are angry at Washington; John Delaney is quintessential Washington to the core. He doesn’t listen to his constituents. And he seemingly doesn’t give a damn what we think.
But waiting, until later (whenever that is), to attack Delaney’s positions could prove fatal. Now is the time to capture those Independents and first-time voters. Now. Not later. The numbers are almost insurmountably stacked against Hoeber, but if any candidate can beat Delaney, she can. But time is a tickin’.
In my most humble political opinion, now is the time to turn up the heat, call out John Delaney’s disastrous record at every opportunity, offer the remedy and explain how and why Delaney has placed his own interests above the interests of Maryland’s 6th District. Hoeber’s experience far surpasses John Delaney’s own. In an environment where national security is of supreme importance, we would be foolish not to put Hoeber’s experience to good use on Capitol Hill.
John Delaney is taking no risks this year. His gubernatorial prospects hinge heavily on whether he beats Hoeber by a sizeable margin. He’s already busy attacking Hoeber. And sadly, some voters – the same voters that Hoeber needs to win over- are listening. Talk it might be, but people are listening.
Forgive my infatuation with Aaron Sorkin films and HBO series, but the clip below from “The American President” should shore up the sentiment of the race as it stands.
The Hoeber campaign released yesterday a stunningly masterful indictment of John Delaney’s record. If Hoeber’s campaign can transfer the same message (seen below) with vigor and fortitude to every possible media outlet not only in Maryland but around the country, I don’t see how she loses the November election. She has a winning message. But if it’s not blasted in time, nobody will hear it.
Amie Hoeber took on great big forces within the Pentagon in an era where women could only dream of doing as such. She has the spunk. She has gumption. And she has a lasting vision. I’ve seen it all firsthand. And brilliant, well, you’ll see. That’s Amie Hoeber.
The Hoeber campaign needs much, much more of this:
Dear Supporter,
As the dust clears from the Republican Primary, we are ramping up to take on — and defeat — Congressman Delaney.
We have the right message to take back this seat. My priorities are a clear contrast with John Delaney’s. I will continue to focus on key issues of importance to our District, to Maryland, and to the nation. And I will fight tirelessly to:
- Strengthen our national and homeland security. I will not ignore our security, as John Delaney did when he naively supported the agreement with Iran and fought Governor Hogan’s resistance to bringing unvetted Syrian refugees into Maryland.
- Revitalize our economy and create opportunity in all parts of the district. Unlike John Delaney, I totally oppose Hillary Clinton’s war on coal!! John Delaney’s support of increasing regulations has resulted in enormous economic devastation of whole regions of our District, and he has done nothing to help those who have been hurt. I will work to bring jobs back to those who have been displaced through his lack of concern.
- Minimize government intrusion in our lives and protect our Constitutional liberties. John Delaney wants to expand the federal role in education down to the pre-Kindergarten level, and he won’t protect the 2nd Amendment. In contrast, I will fight to protect our rights and get Congress out of local issues such as education.
It is no surprise that Mr. Delaney is trying to make this campaign about everything except his record. In fact, he’s kicked off the general election solely by harassing me about politics in the same way he has harassed Governor Hogan. I promise you it won’t work. I will continue to make this election about the issues that affect your lives and the security of our District.
It’s also no secret that Mr. Delaney will spend an unlimited amount of his own money to avoid the issues and further his political career. I will not let him spend his way out of his record. But I need your help to do so.