[VIDEO] Hood College Democratic CD-6 Debate

Hood College hosted a forum for the Sixth Congressional District primary candidates yesterday evening from 7:30-9:00 p.m. in Hodson Auditorium in Rosenstock Hall.

The topics included health care, the opioid crisis, climate change, taxes, etc.

The Democratic candidates who participated in the forum included Chris Hearsey, Andrew Duck, Dr. Nadia Hashimi, state Sen. Roger Manno (D-19), Del. Aruna Miller (D-15) and David Trone

The forum was moderated by Kai Hagen, executive director of Envision Frederick County.

This forum was presented by the Women’s Democratic League of Frederick County, the United Democrats of Frederick County, the Hood College Democrats, the Hood College Department of Political Science, and the Hood College African American studies program.

Rep. John Delaney (D-Md.) announced last summer that he will not seek re-election to his seat but instead will run for president of the United States.

Watch A Miner Detail’s video below.

Opening Statements:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Closing Statements: