2019 Annapolis Session Week 6, Episode 5: Del. Carl Anderton Jr. (R-Lower Shore)
It’s week 6 of the 2019 Annapolis Session! Del. Carl Anderton Jr. (R-Lower Shore) joined A Miner Detail Podcast, live, at Harry Browne’s Restaurant on Wednesday,…
It’s week 6 of the 2019 Annapolis Session! Del. Carl Anderton Jr. (R-Lower Shore) joined A Miner Detail Podcast, live, at Harry Browne’s Restaurant on Wednesday,…
Maryland lobbyist Bruce Bereano joined A Miner Detail Podcast for the first time on Tuesday, February 12, 2019, in Annapolis.
In a continuation of last week’s near-daily barrage against the so-called “Annapolis Machine’s” efforts to peel away Comptroller Peter Franchot’s regulatory oversight of alcohol, Franchot’s…
Week 5, Episode 4! State Sen. Ron Young (D-Frederick) and Len Foxwell, chief of staff to Maryland Comptroller Peter Franchot, joined A Miner Detail Podcast,…
Jousting matches may be a thing of the past for a state that adopted the medieval game as its official state sport in 1962. But…
A legislative aide to Maryland state Sen. Paul G. Pinsky (D-Prince George’s) is evidently not shy about expressing his disdain for Len Foxwell, Comptroller Peter Franchot’s chief of staff….
Washington County Chief Operating Officer Jim Hovis is reportedly leaving county government and will receive severance pay, according to two sources close to Rob Slocum, Washington…
Citizens Above Partisanship, a non-partisan group of Washington County Maryland residents advocating for candidates and issues that serve the common good, participated in a live podcast…
It’s week 4 of the 2019 Annapolis legislative session! Del. Joseline Peña-Melnyk (D-Prince George’s and Anne Arundel), the Vice Chair of the Health and Government Operations…
LIVE from The Flying Camel in downtown Hagerstown, A Miner Detail Podcast, hosted by Ryan Miner, featured former Washington County Administrator Greg Murray and Smithsburg…