By Ryan Miner
As some of you may have noticed, I took a brief sabbatical from A Miner Detail after the November election – and for good reason. I enjoyed the holidays with my family. I read a few books, spent time with the kids and enjoyed watching copious amounts of reruns of COPS. Moreover, I’m trying to lose weight, and that’s hard for me to do, so I’m spending a lot of my discretionary time at the gym. (So far, and since about December 5, I’ve lost roughly 10 or so pounds.)
I’m also squarely focused on my job and building my career. Oh, in case you didn’t hear, Kim and I have a wedding to plan (we got engaged on November 5). All of that takes time. I needed the break from blogging. I’m glad I took some time to myself to focus on me and what matters most – family.
I am back. Eric is back. Hi, everybody.
A Miner Detail is a Maryland-centered politics blog; Eric and I will continue to report on all-things politics – municipal, county, state and, yes, even federal.
There is so much content that we intend to cover in 2017. We are going to continue to report the facts as we have them, exhaustively research our stories, vet our sources and write the Gods-honest, unvarnished truth. Commentary will be lightly sprinkled throughout our stories. We’ll try to go easy on the adjectives and adverbs. No promises, though.
In 2017, we intend to write heavily on libertarian topics, using A Miner Detail to educate readers on how a libertarian government would maximize our individual liberties. Speaking for myself, I’ve grown to become an unapologetic libertarian. After all, what is there to apologize for when you’re advancing the cause of God-given individual rights, and, in addition to, working to protect and defend our civil liberties while promoting peace and prosperity?
We aren’t going to try to compete against any other Maryland bloggers or news outlets. We don’t care what The Frederick-News Post is reporting on (unless it’s us) and frankly, if Red Maryland makes mention of us (as they often do in their podcasts), we’ll take it as a badge of honor to be the subject of their dismay and ridicule.
We expect 2017 to be a big year for politics in Maryland. A Miner Detail will be your insider baseball, go-to source for political news – Democrat, Republican, whatever. If we have a juicy scoop, we’ll report it and let you decide whether it’s worthy of a share.
When Donald Trump is wrong on policy, we’ll call him out. When he’s right, we’ll write endearingly. That’s all I’ll say about that.
Welcome to 2017.
Hold on to your butts.