VIDEO of the Poolesville CD-6 Republican debate

By Ryan Miner 


Nearly 100 people and all eight Republican candidates running in Maryland’s 6th congressional district were seated and standing at the Poolesville Town Hall on Thursday evening, April 7, for a Republican debate hosted by the Rural Women’s Republican Club, Upper Montgomery Women’s Republican Club, Potomac Women’s Republican Club and Legislative District 15.

The debate was moderated by Casey Aiken. Four panelists from each respective Republican organization questioned the candidates, including Julie Krieger (President, PWRC), Anne Angstadt (President, Upper Montgomery), Sharon Bauer (President, Rural Women’s) and Jerry Cave (representative, LD-15).


The debate lasted approximately two hours.

The Poolesville CD-6 Republican debate can be seen below. The video is segmented into four parts, including opening and closing statements

Opening Statements:

Part 1: General Political Philosophy 

Part 2: Domestic Issues

Part 3: Economics 

Part 4: Foreign Policy

Closing Statements: