By Ryan Miner
Congressional hopeful Terry Baker is making a robust final push in the days before the April 26 Republican primary. Baker’s campaign, led by Jerry DeWolf, is knocking on doors, holding sign-waving events, littering the district with campaign signs, holding fundraisers and meeting voters at early voting precincts.
Last week on A Miner Detail’s online radio show, Terry Baker joined Eric and me to discuss his campaign. There, I mentioned that I believe Baker will place among the top three candidates in the race. Baker’s built-in base in Washington County should help Baker not only in Washington but also in Garrett and Allegany counties.
Baker’s leadership on the Washington County Board of County Commissioners is marked by fiscal conservatism to the core. I fully expect Baker would bring the same principles to the mud pit of D.C. and apply good ol’ fashioned Washington County values in Congress.
I want to point out that throughout the entire campaign cycle, Terry Baker exemplified being a gentleman, especially to his opponents. I haven’t always been fair to Terry Baker’s efforts, but he’s been fundamentally decent to me. That means something, and it should mean something to voters that he was a true gentleman to his Republican opponents.
I predict Terry Baker will do exceptionally well on Election Day.