Take Note: How to Concede Electoral Defeat

by Eric Beasley

It's Done

The day that myself, and every other resident on the 6th District has been eagerly awaiting, has finally passed. The primary is over, and let me count the ways that this makes me happy:

  1. No more Our Principles PAC robocalls.
  2. No more David Trone signs sprouting up like dandelions.
  3. Outside agitators demonstrated they have no understanding of the 6th District. Perhaps they will learn their lesson and stick their nose somewhere else?
  4. Everyone gets a 3 month break from campaign mailers.
  5. A large portion of the Delaney wealth, created through predatory lending practices, will be expended to try to keep his Congressional seat so he can run for Governor in 2018.
  6. Ficker-Booger-Picker lost.
  7. Chris Mason lost.

Out of all those, Delegate Vogt posted this on Facebook this morning and made me the happiest:

Losing an election is something I can live with — sitting on the sidelines is what I refuse to accept. Marylanders deserve experienced and principled candidates who will stand up, speak out, and go to bat for them. Because right now, all they have is a Congressman that’s sacrificed economic growth and national security in order to plot his next political move.

I’m proud to say that Amie Hoeber – Republican for Congress is one of those experienced and principled candidates. Her national security expertise is desperately needed, and her track record of job creation places her in the perfect position to understand the needs of this district. I am enthusiastically supporting her in this race, and I will help Ms. Hoeber beat John Delaney however I can. I urge all of those who volunteered and supported me to do the same.

Delegate Vogt has talked for many months about his real goal, defeating Delaney and helping get Republicans elected in the 6th District. I already knew that he would be helping here in Brunswick with our upcoming Mayor-Council election, to make sure a #FeelTheBern Progressive-Socialist mayor is defeated. Delegate Vogt has kept his word from the debates and his word to me in private, he will me helping the 6th District Republican nominee.

Good on him. I hope the rest of the 6th District activists follow suit.

About the Author

Eric Beasley
After a year fighting bears and chopping wood in the forest, a Cancer has emerged in Frederick County. The only way to kill Cancer is with fire, and casting a ballot.