Pro Hoeber Super PAC begins airing TV ads

By Ryan Miner


National Journal is reporting:

FIRST IN SCORE – Super PAC books $94,000 in MD-06 TV ads:

Maryland USA, a super PAC backing Republican candidate Amie Hoeber in Maryland’s 6th District, will start running just under $94,000 worth of TV ads on Fox News starting Thursday. “With threats all around, Amie Hoeber has the experience a dangerous world requires,” the narrator says in the 30-second spot.

Hoeber is looking to unseat Democratic Rep. John Delaney, who won reelection in the western Maryland swing seat last year with less than 50 percent of the vote. But she has to fight through a GOP primary first.”

Check out Maryland USA PAC.

Here’s the TV ad that’s airing:

Despite some of the attacks against Hoeber’s record and the effort by some to draw this Republican primary into a well of divisive social wedge issues, Hoeber’s campaign fundraising totals, to date, are quite impressive compared to her opponents.

If Hoeber was not leading the money race, I bet she wouldn’t be the recipient of the virulent attacks being launched by at least two of her primary opponents. Major kudos to Frank Howard, however. Howard is another leader in the CD-6 Republican primary, namely for sticking to policy and talking about relevant issues that matter.

Hoeber has demonstrated she is willing to put her money where her mouth is; that actually accounts for something in this Republican primary. Issues, of course, take precedent for me when deciding who most closely aligns to my political values; nevertheless, in any campaign, cash is king when promulgating a message.

Hoeber’s primary opponents would probably concede behind closed doors that her resume, experience and current cash-on-hand, plus the help of a Super PAC, makes her a formidable candidate in the primary.

Ask yourself an honest question. Which of Hoeber’s opponents have shown they have similar fundraising capabilities as she does?

Here’s the truth? None.

This may hurt some feelings. I don’t care. None of Hoeber’s opponents have shown they can even remotely raise cash like she can. Hence, this is one of the reasons why Hoeber has a massive red target on her back.

Candidates like Robin Ficker can make plenty of noise on social media and illegally place tacky 4×8′ signs on vacant properties throughout the district, but we all know Ficker can’t raise any money to combat John Delaney in a general election. How many times has Ficker run and lost? Go ahead, Robin; attack me personally for telling the truth, because we all know you have no other game plan to win the 6th.

If you want to be taken seriously in a Republican primary, raise money. Hoeber is doing just that. And some of Hoeber’s primary opponents have some real butthurt to get over.

Want to outshine your opponents in a Republican primary?

Raise the money.