Larry Hogan is the 51st Vote to Secure Reproductive Freedoms

This is a screenshot from Larry Hogan's U.S. Senate campaign's YouTube discussing his support for abortion rights.

The discourse surrounding Maryland’s U.S. Senate race reached a fever pitch, with former Governor Larry Hogan, the Republican nominee, squarely in the crosshairs of a Democratic establishment seemingly hellbent on mischaracterizing his record and intentions.

Maryland’s Democratic political machine understands just how formidable Larry Hogan is as a statewide candidate.

Mr. Hogan is widely popular among Unaffiliated voters (Maryland’s version of Independents), moderate Democrats, rational Republicans, older adults, young adults, law enforcement officers and first responders, small business owners, watermen, teachers, tech leaders, healthcare professionals, and virtually every demographic but Maryland’s far-left Democratic machine.

The exaggerated attacks on Mr. Hogan’s record and policy platform by some Democratic insiders and political extremists have become so absurd that most rational Marylanders are beginning to tune them out.

A recent Baltimore Sun guest commentary by Maryland’s best Democratic leader criticizes Mr. Hogan on reproductive rights, a topic of growing national importance due to the U.S. Supreme Court’s rightward shift under former President Donald J. Trump and the subsequent overturning of Roe v. Wade.

This guest commentary and others similar are emblematic of a broader trend in American politics: the reduction of complex issues and individuals into simplistic, partisan caricatures.

Such reductionism is a disservice to the electorate and the very fabric of our democratic republic.

Larry Hogan’s Nuanced Position on Abortion Rights

Larry Hogan, while personally pro-life, has been unequivocally clear: he will never attempt to change Maryland’s abortion laws, which are among the most protective of abortion rights in the United States.

In May 2024, Mr. Hogan told The New York Times, “I’ll continue to protect the rights of women to make their own reproductive choices, just like I did as governor for eight years.”

“I think Marylanders know and trust that when I give them my word, I’m going to keep it, and I’ve protected these rights before.”

He further emphasized, “I support restoring Roe as the law of the land,” underscoring his commitment to maintaining Maryland’s strong legal protections for abortion rights.

Despite Mr. Hogan’s assurances, Maryland Democrats continue to unfairly and dishonestly claim that his Senate candidacy and likely election in November poses an existential threat to abortion rights in Maryland and, by extension, the nation.

Simply put, they’re lying. 

Moreover, many claims pushed by Maryland’s Democratic machine about Hogan’s abortion positions are exceedingly hyperbolic and verifiably untrue.

Marylanders are tired of these baseless partisan attacks.

Just for fun, check out the personal X accounts of Maryland’s elected Democrats (yes, that’s Twitter for those keeping score). This week’s talking points are as predictable as ever—watch as their designated ‘Hogan bashers’ roll out the same cookie-cutter attacks, like they all got the memo from the same creativity-deprived group text.

You have to hand it to some of the Maryland Democrats: Their so-called ‘campaign of joy’ really hits the mark—if by ‘joy’ they mean cranking out the same old lame Washington drive-by attacks they’ve spent August 19th, 20th, 21st, and 22nd (2024) pretending to despise.

The Facts on Larry Hogan’s Veto of a 2022 Maryland Abortion Bill

In 2022, Governor Larry Hogan made the difficult decision to veto a bill that sought to expand abortion access in Maryland by allowing non-physicians, such as nurse practitioners and physician assistants, to perform abortions.

While well-intentioned, the legislation raised significant concerns about the quality and safety of care for women undergoing these procedures.

Mr. Hogan’s decision to veto the bill was certainly not an attack on reproductive freedom, as many Maryland Democrats have claimed; his decision was a careful and measured response rooted in his commitment to ensuring that all Marylanders receive the highest standard of healthcare.

By advocating for physician-led care, Mr. Hogan’s intent was not to restrict access to abortion but to ensure that any expansion of services would not come at the cost of patient safety. It is essential to recognize that Hogan’s decision was consistent with his broader approach to governance, which prioritizes practical solutions over political expediency.

This careful consideration of access and safety exemplifies the former governor’s commitment to balance and responsible governance – a commitment that has earned him the respect and trust of a broad cross-section of Maryland’s electorate and one that he’ll gladly carry to the United States Senate.

Bottom Line: Mr. Hogan’s veto was not about limiting access to abortion or obstruction but rather ensuring that any expansion of these services would uphold the high healthcare standards that Marylanders deserve.

A Brief History of Maryland Abortion Policy

Maryland’s abortion laws were largely shaped well before Mr. Hogan became governor, particularly with the 1992 referendum that codified abortion rights in state law in response to an abortion bill signed by the late William Donald Schaefer in 1991.

The bill’s ultimate success was primarily due to the political savvy of the late Maryland Senate president, Thomas V. “Mike” Miller, Jr., who shepherded the legislation through the Maryland Senate.

In the 1992 general election, Maryland voters were presented with Question 6, a referendum on the state’s abortion law. The measure was approved by 62% of voters, affirming the state’s abortion rights, while 38% voted against it.

This outcome confirmed strong public support for maintaining abortion access in Maryland.

Larry Hogan’s Commitment to Protecting Reproductive Rights

Touching back on the August 2024 Baltimore Sun guest commentary piece, it’s worth reiterating that it did not mention Mr. Hogan’s explicit statements of support for reproductive rights.

Mr. Hogan has unequivocally stated that he will not interfere with a woman’s right to choose and has committed to supporting reproductive freedoms.

He has not taken this position out of political expediency; it is consistent with his longstanding approach to governance in Maryland, where he respected and upheld Maryland’s abortion laws.

The guest commentary insinuates that sending Mr. Hogan to Washington would automatically translate into a rollback of reproductive rights.

This unfortunate insinuation ignores the reality that Larry Hogan’s political career has long been defined by a commitment to the rule of law and the will of his constituents—principles that will undoubtedly guide his actions in the United States Senate.

Larry Hogan’s Stance on the Maryland Right to Reproductive Freedom Amendment

The guest commentary sadly misrepresents Mr. Hogan’s stance on the Maryland Right to Reproductive Freedom Amendment.

Here are the facts: 

  • Larry Hogan did not actively campaign for or against the Maryland Right to Reproductive Freedom Amendment, which was designed to enshrine the right to abortion in the state constitution. He has expressed skepticism about its necessity, given Maryland’s already strong legal protections for abortion rights.
  • Mr. Hogan emphasized that Maryland already had some of the most liberal abortion laws in the country. He questioned whether the amendment was needed, as existing state laws already robustly protect reproductive rights.
  • Consider that Hogan’s reservations about the amendment were partly rooted in a desire to avoid unnecessary politicization of an issue he believed was already well-settled in Maryland law. His concerns stem from pushing for constitutional amendments, which could polarize the issue further.
  • Throughout his governorship, Mr. Hogan maintained that he would not attempt to change Maryland’s abortion laws despite his personal pro-life beliefs. His stance on the amendment was consistent with his broader approach of respecting the existing legal framework in Maryland.
  • While skeptical, Larry Hogan did not take formal steps to oppose the amendment, such as campaigning against it or rallying legislative support to block it. His approach was more one of caution rather than outright opposition.
  • Critics argued that Hogan’s neutrality or skepticism might signal a lack of full support for reproductive rights. Still, Hogan countered that his track record as governor showed consistent respect for Maryland’s legal protections for abortion.

Once more, Maryland boasts some of the strongest abortion laws in the country; Hogan’s skepticism stemmed from a desire to avoid redundant legislation. This stance reflects his focus on practical governance rather than engaging in ideological battles.

Examining Larry Hogan’s Political Independence

This election season, a bunch of Maryland Democrats unfairly characterize Larry Hogan as a mere pawn in Senator Majority Mitch McConnell’s supposed scheme to retake the Senate.

For some Maryland Democrats even to suggest that Larry Hogan would blindly follow Mitch McConnell’s lead on issues like abortion is not only speculative but contradicts the very essence of Mr. Hogan’s well-established political identity.

Their shortsighted view reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of Mr. Hogan’s political ethos.

Larry Hogan is not a partisan hack.

He does not fit neatly into the ideological boxes that many of his detractors would prefer. His political independence is precisely why he’s immensely popular in Maryland and elsewhere.

As a twice-elected Republican governor, Mr. Hogan governed with a measured hand, mindful of his constituents’ diverse viewpoints in a state where Democrats outnumber Republicans by wide margins.

This photograph of former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan and former Maryland Comptroller Peter Franchot was taken on August 16, 2019, at the Ocean City Boardwalk during the annual MACO conference.

There’s a reason why Larry Hogan is the first Republican governor since 1954 to have been re-elected to a second gubernatorial term. He’s not a politician who the machinations of party leadership can easily sway.

Larry Hogan’s Leadership During the COVID-19 Pandemic

He is one of the few prominent national Republicans to criticize Donald Trump’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic publicly. Marylanders were especially grateful that Mr. Hogan called for a science-based approach and lamented the federal government’s failure to support the states.

The former governor’s leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic even earned him praise and accolades from his 2018 Democratic gubernatorial opponent, Ben Jealous.

This is a screenshot of Ben Jealous, Marylands' 2018 Democratic gubernatorial nominee, praising Larry Hogan's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Larry Hogan Bucks the National GOP, Donald Trump

You’ll recall that Mr. Hogan’s eight years as Maryland governor were marked by his consistent willingness and courage to challenge the national GOP when it strayed from the principles of moderation and pragmatism.

His political independence is perhaps most evident in his repeated clashes with Donald Trump, who holds the unique distinction of being the first U.S. president impeached twice and the first former president convicted of a felony (34 counts) by a jury of his peers.

Mr. Hogan has been vocal about his growing concerns regarding the future direction of the Republican Party, especially after the January 6th Capitol riot. He has criticized the GOP for its continued allegiance to Trump, calling the situation “a cult of personality” and expressing his belief that the party needed to return to its traditional conservative values.

Furthermore, Mr. Hogan said he did not support or vote for Donald Trump in the 2016 or 2020 elections and has publicly stated he won’t vote for Trump in 2024. His refusal to support Trump has drawn ire from the MAGA wing of the Republican Party but has earned him respect from those who value principle over party loyalty.

Larry Hogan’s Support for the 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill

You’ll recall that Mr. Hogan supported the Biden Administration’s $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill in 2021, which faced opposition from many Republicans in Congress. As a prominent advocate, Hogan worked closely with a group of bipartisan governors and leaders to push for the bill’s passage, emphasizing the importance of infrastructure investment over partisan politics.

“What happened was President Biden agreed to a bipartisan compromise that did not include any of the far-left stuff on the second package and then changed his mind and backtracked,” Hogan said on CNN.

“It passed overwhelmingly in the Senate with 69 votes. The House should have taken it up the next day.”


Larry Hogan Sharply Criticizes Donald Trump’s Handling of George Floyd Protests

In the wake of the George Floyd protests in 2020, Mr. Hogan criticized Donald Trump’s rhetoric and approach to handling the protests.

He specifically condemned Trump’s decision to clear peaceful protesters from Lafayette Square for a photo-op, calling it “terrible” and “outrageous.”

Sending Larry Hogan to Washington is not a ‘Republican Takeover’

The superfluous claim that a vote for Larry Hogan is tantamount to a vote for a Republican “takeover” of Washington is a fearmongering tactic unworthy of serious political discourse.

Larry Hogan’s presence in the Senate would serve as a crucial counterbalance to the extreme elements within the GOP and a vital check on the far left. His election to the U.S. Senate would not be the harbinger of a GOP revolution but rather a much-needed stabilizing force in an institution increasingly bogged down by polarization and political stalemate.

His moderate, principled voice would reintroduce the reason and restraint so desperately needed in today’s polarized political landscape — echoing the legacy of statesmen like Mitt Romney and John McCain, whose commitment to American ideals transcended partisan divides.

Larry Hogan’s Political Independence Desperately Needed in the United States Senate

Returning to the guest editorial one last time: To disqualify Mr. Hogan for the U.S. Senate on the grounds of reproductive rights is both unconvincing, patently disingenuous, and egregiously untrue.

Let us not be swayed by the politics of division but instead embrace the leadership of a former governor who has repeatedly proven to be guided by reason, moderation, and a deep commitment to the common good.

To those who would dismiss Larry Hogan based on the fear that he might somehow betray the principles he has long upheld, I urge you to look at the evidence.

His record speaks for itself: Larry Hogan, operating from an island of political independence, is the decisive 51st vote needed to secure abortion rights in America.