In an expected move, Bud Otis becomes unaffiliated

By Eric Beasley

Otis With Cardin

This story surprises me about as much as a chicken crossing a road. Or a rabbit eating my strawberries. Or a Mockingjay singing an song in the wee morning hours. Or a vegan reminding me that they are vegan. You get the point.

Frederick County Council President Bud “The Spud” Otis has changed his party affiliation from Republican to Unaffiliated.

Of course, this is a purely symbolic move. Otis has been in office for over a year and has not voted like any Republican that I have ever seen, whether a Liberty Republican, a Theocrat (I only use this descriptor because they throw temper-tantrums when you do) Republican, or even a Northeastern Republican. He’s spent the last year voting like a Democrat.

But let’s get to the fun part. As reported by WFMD, Otis has taken issue with some comments made by Councilman Delauter. A few times I’ve seen the allegations, I’ll summarize them simply. Otis threatened to ruin Delauter’s family-run small business.

There’s some interesting inferences that you can draw from the statement put out by Otis, it just requires some reading between the lines:

  1. Otis and Delauter have only met twice since being sworn into office. Perhaps I am wrong, but shouldn’t a Council President meet with the other members of council a little more frequently than that? To be fair, perhaps Delauter is refusing the meetings? While that’s a possible theory, I’ve heard Councilman Delauter state many times in person and in text that he wants these meetings with Otis. Therefore, given the totality of evidence, it appears that Otis is afraid to meet with Delauter.
  2. Delauter also claims that Otis refuses to place agenda items proposed by Delauter on the agenda. Considering #1 and the overall poor management of the Council meetings, Delauter seems to be justified in his statements. I’ve attended and watched video clips of Council meetings where it is clear to me that MC Keegan-Ayers runs those meetings. Otis is merely a figurehead. Delauter claims that there are e-mails to back up his statements. As usual, A Miner Detail will be seeking out this documentation and publish them for you to decide.
  3. In the statement made by Otis, he stated “I am sorry to the citizens that a few individuals are wasting the Council’s time on these nasty and personal insults.” As our readers know, I’ve had my own experiences with truly abhorrent behavior lobbed against me, in an attempt to undermine my career and personal life. While Otis can attempt to play the victim card here, you NEVER go after someone’s job and livelihood. EVER. I personally find going after a part-time politicians job and livelihood the most abhorrent and disgusting action that anyone can participate in. Saying “mean words” is nothing in comparison to wondering how you are going to put food on the table and pay your mortgage.

Did Otis threaten W.F. Delauter and Sons? Right now, it is a game of he-said, spud-said. If it is true that Otis is actively attempting to destroy a local business, then his faux-victimhood will be brought to light and you, the reader, will be able to judge whether or not he is the victim and “shares your values”, or if he is a slimeball. Stay tuned!

About the Author

Eric Beasley
After a year fighting bears and chopping wood in the forest, a Cancer has emerged in Frederick County. The only way to kill Cancer is with fire, and casting a ballot.