Judge Theresa Adams – Pedophile Case #2

By Eric Beasley

In our last episode,I brought you a case in which Judge Theresa Adams sentenced a child rapist to 18 months in jail. This week, we’re switching over to child pornography. Prior to the publication of the first story, I did reach out to her campaign team for comment regarding these cases. A Miner Detail has not received any comment or correspondence.

Below is a copy of the Grand Jury indictment in 10-K-17-060414, State of Maryland v. David Kron. Mr. Kron was in possession of 6 videos/pictures of child pornography. Including one video titles “2 girls playing with dad.3pg”.

I want you to ponder for a moment what the title of this video actually means. This is a video of two underage girls engaged in sexual acts with their “dad”. As a father, just the title turns my stomach. This sort of depraved content is created and distributed around the seedy bowels of the internet, for the similarly depraved to download, view, and redistribute to other disturbed individuals.

Mr. Kron pleas guilty and was sentenced by Judge Theresa Adams on March 22, 2018. Below is the court record associated with the sentencing hearing:

Judge Theresa Adams sentenced Mr. Kron to “time served”, which amounts to a single day in jail. No further jail time, period. In addition, Judge Theresa Adams gave him 5 years of supervised probation. Even further, she allowed numerous stipulations (traveling outside of the state) which were not present within other cases that she presided over.

Maryland sentencing guidelines state that Possession of Child Pornography warrants a jail term of Probation to 3 years in jail. Judge Theresa Adams handed down the absolute minimum sentence. These sentencing guidelines are contingent on the claim that no injury occurred to the victim.

I believe that an adult having sexual relations with a minor DOES inflict serious injury upon the minor. Sexually benefiting from that abuse should constitute a perpetuation of that abuse. If the sentencing guidelines are modified to include this injury, the sentencing guidelines state that Mr. Kron should have done 3 months to 4 years in jail.

Just like with the last article, here are the questions that I encourage you to answer for yourself:

  1. How do you feel when you learn that an adult male was getting his rocks off to a video called “2 girls playing with dad”?
  2. Can individuals who enjoy child pornography be rehabilitated?
  3. Should child pornography be considered a “victimless crime”, thus allowing for lighter sentencing?
  4. Do you believe that Judge Adams handed down an appropriate sentence that fits the crime?

Children cannot vote. But you can.

About the Author

Eric Beasley
After a year fighting bears and chopping wood in the forest, a Cancer has emerged in Frederick County. The only way to kill Cancer is with fire, and casting a ballot.