Teenager Removed From Frederick Ted Cruz Campaign Rally

Frederick Teenager says he was tossed out of Ted Cruz's Frederick rally.

Did anyone believe Frederick could host a Ted Cruz presidential campaign rally without controversy?

A few posts and reports have come out of Facebook in the last few hours.

We’re going to break this down very simply.

There are two sides to this story: both sides have facts, and both sides have opinions.

As usual, it’s up to you to decide who is right and who is wrong.

A Miner Detail is in the business of facts.

16-Year-Old Teenager Removed From Ted Cruz Rally In Frederick

I reached out to the teenager who was removed from Ted Cruz’s Frederick rally, the attendees at the rally, and representatives from Sen. Ted Cruz’s campaign.

After digging through Facebook messages, I was able to get the student on the phone.

The student removed from the rally is 16-year-old James, currently a student at Thomas Johnson High School and the Thomas Johnson High School LBGT club president.

Also, fortunately for our readers, James was very upfront about being transgender, and he spoke candidly about the situation that unfolded today.

(James is biologically a female but lives as a male.)

According to James, his parents are politically active.

He wanted to go down to Cruz’s rally out of a personal interest in politics.

He believed this was an excellent opportunity to show the Cruz community that he is not some sort of monster, deviant, or mind-flayer.

Before the event, James was with a small group of protesters across the street.

James claims that he was holding signs that stated “Ignorance breeds hate” and “Human rights are not up for debate.”

Some pictures verified the content of the signs.

They reserved tickets, showed up at the door, and made their way into the Weinberg.

James told me that he pulled out his phone as all kids do these days. Shortly after sitting down, someone approached James and told him that the event staff wanted him to leave.

Once outside the central area, James inquired about his removal from the Cruz campaign rally.

He said Ted Cruz’s campaign didn’t want him there.

James believes his removal from the event is because he is transgender.

After hearing James recount the events from the Cruz rally, I told him that I wanted to ask him some direct and blunt questions.

I asked James if he intended to disrupt Ted Cruz’s Frederick campaign rally.

Emphatically, James said that he had no intention of disrupting the event; he was there to observe the process and see the target audience of Cruz’s speech.

I also asked about his parents’ political party affiliation.

Both parents are Democrats; James, at the time, wasn’t legally eligible to vote, but he also leans toward the Democratic Party.

I mentioned the criticism he has already started receiving; basically, this entire controversy was contrived and falsely created to make a point.

James responded to the criticism, “Do not assume my identity defines my political beliefs. I am not the enemy.”

James Carp is the Frederick teen removed from the Ted Cruz rally in 2016

The Cruz Campaign Comments 

I received an official statement from the Ted Cruz Campaign in Maryland, run by Maria Pycha, a Dan Bongino alumni.

Here’s Cruz campaign’s statement:

“I know for a fact it was not a campaign official who escorted that young man out. We have a specific protocol. We give a warning if they cause a disturbance the first first time, escorted out by police if they cause a disturbance the second time.”

Ted Cruz Event Organizers

I also reached out to state Del. Kathy Afzali (R-Frederick), who was photographed introducing Sen. Cruz at the event and is involved with the Cruz campaign’s Frederick County operations.

Afzali claimed to have “no information” about the events that transpired.

Editor’s Opinion

There are two possibilities here: 1) Kathy Afzali lied, or 2) Kathy Afzali is incompetent.

Eyewitnesses Recount Teen Expulsion From Ted Cruz Event 

I also spoke briefly to a person in attendance at Cruz’s Frederick rally.

This person did not witness James being removed from the event; however, this person did see James on the opposite side of the street with a group of protesters – a fact that James did mention to me on the phone.

Some of these signs were mean.

For example, a sign claimed that Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer, though Cruz’s current age disproves such a theory.

For the record, the Zodiac Killer’s first victim was killed two years before Cruz was born.

I spoke to someone who was working the event today.

They said there was a strict policy for people in the audience; this included no handmade signs and no “strange materials.”

Any material allowed within the Weinberg had to be branded by Ted Cruz’s campaign.

When James came into the Weinberg, he was wearing what looked like a shower curtain with metal hooks.

About the Author

Eric Beasley
After a year fighting bears and chopping wood in the forest, a Cancer has emerged in Frederick County. The only way to kill Cancer is with fire, and casting a ballot.

3 Comments on "Teenager Removed From Frederick Ted Cruz Campaign Rally"

  1. They could have asked him to remove the flag. The fact that they didn’t exposes them for what they are: hateful bigots. I was there from about 10-11 a.m. While I saw no supporters interacting with protesters, I did notice that most protesters were relegated to the opposite side of the street. I am a registered (R) and was there with my dog, no signs. No one bothered me, but neither did anyone welcome me or ask me about my affiliation or my intentions. Because I’m a “normal looking” 52 y/o female and had no signs? Not sure. Because my intent was to observe and tell anyone who asked why I’d never vote for Cruz, whom I believe is a dangerous individual for our Country.

    James and his mom were quiet and respectful. Kind and thoughtful. Normal!

  2. Karl Bickel | April 21, 2016 at 5:35 pm |

    Nicely done Eric.

  3. I sat about 4 rows in front of the young person. The only reason I even noticed was that they were being verbal about being transgendered and that they wore a transgender flag.

    I wondered where they had gone, so the alleged removal must have been quiet.

    When I left the theater, there were a dozen or so protesters on the same side of the street and apparently, without incident.

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