CE Jan Gardner Subsidizes Baltimore’s Bad Decisions

by Eric Beasley

Return to Sender

I arose from my slumber this morning with a gem of an article, written by none other than Harry Covert over at The Tentacle. Harry decided to answer a question that has been burning in the back of my mind. You see, a few weeks ago Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett decided to tear up a check made out to his constituents. This check was repayment for police services during the Baltimore “Room to Destroy” Riots, given to our great state by 64 years of Democrat leadership in the city.

Turns out that Frederick County also received a check for services rendered. A check for $49,736.87. Sorry Frederick County, this check was returned to sender. Now, we could go on and on about whether or not this was the right thing to do, whether Frederick County taxpayers should be subsidizing Baltimore City, and other such moralistic and procedural discussions.

However, I’d rather put this into simpler terms. What could that money have been spent on here in the County?

  • Provided a room, board, and rehabilitation programs to one person at Building Veterans working through substance abuse and PTSD for 9.5 years. (Shameless plug: These guys are great, give them your time and money)
  • Provided 331 home desktops for Brunswick Hackerspace, which is teaching kids computer programming and turning them into productive members of society. (Another shameless plug: These guys are great too, give them your time and money)
  • Funded 82.8% of Freshmen sports in the County, which was dropped in December 2015 due to budget cuts.
  • Paid for 23 students to attend Frederick Community College full time (15 credits) for one semester.
  • Purchased one SUV for the County Executive to be driven around the county with her as the passenger.

You get the picture.

Frederick County taxpayers should be asking County Executive Gardner why she prioritized failed political decisions over our own County residents.

About the Author

Eric Beasley
After a year fighting bears and chopping wood in the forest, a Cancer has emerged in Frederick County. The only way to kill Cancer is with fire, and casting a ballot.