The People who Blackmailed Me Part I

Last week, I took a chance.

I came out with the story of my life.

All the hardships, trials, and tribulations that I survived in these mere 30 years.

Honestly, I thought I was making myself a pariah. Figured it was time to hang up the ol’ political spurs and build robots in my shed.

I heard they were starting a drone racing league, that seemed like fun…

Instead, everyone surprised me.

I don’t have the words to do any of it justice. I won’t even try. You know who you are, what you said, and how powerful your message of support is.

“To attempt an understanding of Muad’Dib without understanding his mortal enemies, the Harkonnens, is to attempt seeing Truth without knowing Falsehood. It is the attempt to see the Light without knowing Darkness. It cannot be.” – Frank Herbert, Dune.

After much meditation (man-shed time), this shady business of political blackmail must become public. I am confident I am not the first victim of these people. If I refuse to say their name in public, then I will not be their last victim.

There are so many literary references that I can get into, most of them you would probably not understand because of my love for science fiction and everything superhero. We’re going to skip a comparison to Oliver Queen for Mayor and the formation of the Second Foundation. We’re going to get right to the point.

There’s a little bit of background you need to know to understand the Harkonnens of Maryland politics.

  • As the past chairman, Brian Griffiths still held a seat on the Maryland Young Republicans Executive Board.
  • Brian Griffiths assigned Jason Rheinstein to be his permanent proxy on the MDYR Executive Board.

Editor’s Notes: To show the timeline, I added the time stamp above each e-mail. The people included in these e-mails were Nicole Waugh, Kory Boone, Brian Griffiths, Greg Visscher, Kristen Long, Dan McHugh, Rachael Gingrich, Brandon Cooper, and Tommy Rodriguez.

The desired Action

Date: Tue, Jun 30, 2015, at 8:59 AM

Rheinstein 1

Mr. Beasley,

Recall I have contributed thousands on behalf of this organization. If you do not answer my question regarding what you have done to secure a refund, I am prepared to pursue derivative litigation against you on behalf of MDYRs as a result of your misappropriation, breach of the fiduciary duty of loyalty, and negligence.

Are you absolutely sure you still want to refuse to provide this information? I suggest you rethink your position very quickly unless you want to be a defendant in Court fighting this out.

I look forward to hearing what you have to say on tonight’s call about this matter. Somehow one way or another, I have full confidence you’re going to do what’s right and get the Maryland Young Republicans’ money back from the Winery.

The Threat

Date: Tue, Jun 30, 2015, at 9:24 AM

Rheinstein 2

Mr. Beasley,

In follow-up to my last message, in looking at the attached docket report, I note that your first wife was represented by the Domestic Violence Center of Howard County in the divorce proceeding. Is that because you had a history of domestic violence with your first wife?

It is also my understanding that you were criminally charged in 2010 with, inter alia, harassment. Was that in connection with the divorce proceeding? Is my understanding correct? If yes, what was the disposition of the criminal charges against you?

I insist you tell this Board about your history, so that everyone can be apprised of exactly who is handling the MDYR’s money.

the release of information

Date: Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 9:25 PM

Rheinstein 3

As promised.


After receiving the above e-mails, I had no idea what to do. I did what anyone in my position would do, fired up Call of Duty, and blew off some steam. I took a vacation day from work to figure this whole mess out. I called the Clerk of the Court here in Frederick County, with the hope of finding out how expunged records could be made public again. Ms. Dalton, for all her knowledge, was as surprised as I was.

I drove out to the Howard County Courthouse, to talk to their records section. They wouldn’t even talk to me until I provided the expungement order and my driver’s license, to prove I was actually a person that could talk to them about it. They did everything they could, walked through the process to re-open the case, and assured me that the case was not open, that it was still expunged, and still sitting in their dusty basement.

It turns out, even though the State of Maryland expunges the records, private companies find and hold these records, selling access to the expunged records to lawyers like Jason Rheinstein.

Jason Rheinstein is the man that blackmailed my family. To try to force me to do what he wanted while I was on the Maryland Young Republicans board.

Next week in Part II, the 3 political figures that supported this blackmail will be brought into the light. You know who you are.

About the Author

Eric Beasley
After a year fighting bears and chopping wood in the forest, a Cancer has emerged in Frederick County. The only way to kill Cancer is with fire, and casting a ballot.

2 Comments on "The People who Blackmailed Me Part I"

  1. Jason Rheinstein | March 15, 2016 at 6:40 am |

    Mr. Beasley,

    Thank you for sharing this exchange. As you have been told many times, it clearly reveals that your commentary is way off base and that you were not blackmailed.

    In the first email, there is a mention of possible civil litigation, but threats of civil litigation are not blackmail in accordance with the Court of Appeals’ decision in State v. Rendelman, 404 Md. 500 (2008).

    As anyone reading it can see, the second email does not contain a “threat” about anything. It merely relayed publicly-available information and asked you to answer questions about your background so the board would know who was handling the MDYRs money.

    And finally, the third email was merely forwarding the source of the information relayed in the second email as had been requested by one of the MDYRs board members (Kristen Long as I recall) during the Executive Board conference call that evening.


    • Eric Beasley | March 15, 2016 at 8:07 am |

      We’re allowing this ONE comment, because we believe people should see what a slimy, dirty, obnoxious, sleazeball lawyer you are. It is clear to the hundreds of people who actually read the e-mails what you did. Your denial of it is more telling than my article ever will be.

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